The GEI-X5 fuel cells can be “stacked” to produce voltage levels that match specific power needs for a wide variety of uses. That makes fuel cells one of the most promising technologies for delivering clean and efficient power for automotive, industrial, residential and consumer applications. While some cost and engineering challenges remain, fuel cells hold the potential to provide major environmental, energy and economic benefits that advance critical national goals. Widespread use of fuel cells may hold the answers to some of our most significant energy shortage challenges for the future and could mark a historical turning point, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, improving the environment, and creating a whole new hydrogen-driven economy.Off Grid

The promise of GEI-X5 fuel cells for on-site production of electricity is significant. Many say fuel cells will do for the power industry what desktop computers have done for the computer business. Just as cellular phones and satellite TV have “unwired” their respective industries, fuel cells will herald a new age in electrical power distribution. For developing countries, which have not already made massive investments in electrical utility infrastructure, the rewards are even greater. The stationary fuel cell may well be the vehicle by which the masses learn to think “outside the box” when it comes to electrical power.